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I will answer.

작성자 : 대회사무국

작성일 : 2015-10-27 01:42:44

The answer is I'm sorry for being so late.

Our event can participate, regardless of nationality, age and gender.

Event day October 31, 2015 at 9:00 am on Saturday.

Run to 4km course is a fun event coloring to color the powder.

South Korea and the fee is ₩ 15,000 Please deposit money into the account below.

Bank account : Daegu Bank 504-10-209368-1

Participants will be snacks and souvenir T-shirts and fashion sunglasses and finish.

Please send participant information by e-mail below.
Email: gahnet@naver.com
Name, t-shirt size, color sunglasses, phone number

Many of you participated in this event with us

Colorful Running organizers rounded up.

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